Tag Archives: Guardian

Earth Hour


At 20:30 tonight even Big Ben, our big brother of clocks will be allowed to do his work in the dark. What bliss – darkness that is. I can’t wait. Not because I’m planning on scaling the walls of Her Majesty’s lounge or anything predictable like that. No, just an hour of darkness. One sacred hour of sitting.

See you there


Hold your Horses!


My 3-year old son is either a character in Narnia or Captain Hook himself. One theme runs through it all – FIGHTING!! Just hold your cardboard shield high and wield the sword. Hectic I tell you.

I read the Guardian this morning, Bank begins ‘printing money’ to fight slump. Friends in the professions tell me to advertize! advertize! There is clamour all around. The barbarians are on us. On their shields I can read Poverty and Depression as they come charging down the hill.

Hold your horses I say. Most of those marouders would have broken their own ankels long before they reach us. Just stand your ground and hold your horses.

Oh yes, and while you’re doing that why not feast your eye on this Kieninger from Germany?
